The Secret Language of Comics: Visual Thinking and Writing

Sketch 11: Assemblies

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. My family isn’t religious, but come December, every minute of every day is “merry and bright.” My family has a lot of nonconventional traditions. Our only really conventional tradition is getting our tree and decorating it. The day after Thanksgiving, we go buy a Christmas tree. Every year, […]

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Literacy Narrative Final Reflection

I really enjoyed making my literacy narrative, but I’m definitely uncomfortable with writing in a comic medium. If someone asked me about my project, I would definitely feel more comfortable to show them my written essay than my comic, but that is due to less than stellar artistic abilities. I think my comic really represents […]

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Mapping Climate Changed Reflection

Mapping Climate Changed How do you understand Climate Changed differently when you see it through the map that you’ve made about it, rather than you did when you were reading the book panel by panel? How does this abstract model of the memoir reveal qualitative or quantitative aspects of the book that would elude a typical close […]

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Sketch 10: recreation

I know that it said to do a movie or tv show recreation, but I noticed Albrecht Durer’s Self-Portrait at the bottom and was immediately inspired to use my AP Art History knowledge on this project. After thinking for a moment, I realized it was a no brainer to do the Winged Victory (or Nike) […]

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Sketch 5: pain scale

For my sketch, I decided to track my data using something that I’m very familiar with. Since I was 9, I have seen one of these at nearly every doctors visit. I’m always asked where I stand on the pain scale. Last Saturday, I sprained my ankle while at my little sisters soccer game and […]

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Literacy Narrative Reflection

This assignment definitely highlighted my weaknesses. I’m not much of an artist and that definitely made this a little more stressful for me. I’m also very particular when it comes to lines and shapes for some reason and that definitely helped me in the long run; however, it was very frustrating at the time. I’m […]

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Sketch 8: combophoto

  I really enjoyed this sketch project, but I’m not very good at computers and photo editing, so I went old fashioned. I printed out some pictures and went to town with scissors and tape. My craft skills are far superior to my technological skills, so I ended up with a sketch identical to what […]

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the things i carry on my back

I keep my backpack pretty light and switch out my books every night to prevent worsening my back. Here is the list of items from my backpack: Earbuds: I almost always have three different pairs of earbuds. One for my laptop, one for my phone, and for working out. I listen to music most of […]

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