The Secret Language of Comics: Visual Thinking and Writing

Sketch 12- Secret Langue of Desserts

One of the favorite desserts to make is strawberry panna cotta. Strawberry panna cottas only have six ingredients, but each one is crucial to the dish and cannot be missed, just like my ingredients to completing this class. First of all, strawberries- without them, the panna cotta would look bland and without much flavor. I…

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Final Narrative Reflection

My final draft of the literacy narrative essay looks completely different than my first draft. My first draft described two events that seemed a bit unrelated and I decided to just focus on one of them. Writing my final reflection was made a lot easier by completing the story board first. Drawing my literacy narrative…

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Mapping Climate Changed Reflection

Before the mapping climate changed project was assigned, I did not even notice there were so many reoccurring panels within this book. Going through the book and revisiting the pages in class, I feel I now understand the book better. From the clocks ticking closer to midnight to the eye staring into emptiness,  I feel the…

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I found the comparison essay of “Spinning” and “Stitches” to be the one of the more challenging assignments. For me, it was easy to simply compare the two novels, but connecting them to Hillary Chute’s ideas made it more difficult. Throughout the process of writing the essay though, i found myself grasping a much deeper understanding…

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Comparing Stitches and Spinning

Tillie Walden and David Small, their graphic novels “Spinning” and “Stitches”, skillfully demonstrated their experience with trauma. While Small’s memoir shows the struggles of family relationships and health complications, Walden’s tells the story of her struggles with pretending to be someone she isn’t. Both authors slowly discover how to find their voice through different courses…

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Wellness Tracker

For this week’s sketch I decided to track how many times I slept before midnight, ate off campus, exercised, and felt happy. My brainstorming process included possible factors to cause happiness such as homework workload and time spent talking to friends and family. I ended up choosing the ones that can be answered with a…

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Literacy Reflection

Having finished the literacy narrative comic, I feel I can say with confidence that I demonstrated visual thinking skills as well as the ability to evaluate ideas of others. Writing the literacy narrative is one task, but putting it into a visual presentation on paper is another. During the process of creating my comic, I…

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Sweet Tooth

This week’s sketch is inspired by this ice cream shop I once saw. Inside of the shop is a poster with a photo of a toothbrush on it, and on that toothbrush there are sprinkles. Coming up with the idea did not take too long, but the process of combining the photos together was a…

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