The Secret Language of Comics: Visual Thinking and Writing

Laundry Day

One of my favorite shows ever made is Gilmore Girls. It needs no big conflict, no loud sound effects or never-before-seen quirks. It instead tells of the quaint life of a mother and her daughter in the little town of Stars Hollow. It just made me so ha…

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  This was my attempt to recreate a scene from the popular 90s TV show, “Friends.” I chose this scene because I wanted to do something that involved my friends. This scene was pretty difficult to mimic because it was hard to get the same background, couch, and other props. However, we were able to […]

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What is better than Harry Potter and Christmas?!?!?!

This is my attempt at recreating a scene from Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. With Christmas around the corner, I felt it was appropriate to refer to my favorite past time over Christmas break for this assignment. My family and I sit around the fire and rewatch all of the Harry Potter movies. Sorcerers Stone is the first movie, and … Continue reading What is better than Harry Potter and Christmas?!?!?!

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Sketch 10: recreation

I know that it said to do a movie or tv show recreation, but I noticed Albrecht Durer’s Self-Portrait at the bottom and was immediately inspired to use my AP Art History knowledge on this project. After thinking for a moment, I realized it was a no brainer to do the Winged Victory (or Nike) […]

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