Week ahead: special Thanksgiving edition


13 11/20 No Class

Keep readingĀ Climate Changed

Comparing Stitches and Spinning
11/22 Thanksgiving: No class
11/25 No sketch due during the holiday break

You have this week off for the Thanksgiving break, so make sure to get some rest and take care of yourselves to prepare for the mad dash that will be the final month of the semester once you return. Also over the break, finish reading Climate Changed, which we’ll discuss upon your return.

Remember that sketch 10 is due at the end of week 14 and might take some planning and preparation, so I encourage you to try to get that photo taken over the break too. If you’re not traveling and you want to recreate a horror or suspense film that has a library scene in it, the library will likely be sufficiently empty for you to stage such a moment. If you’re spending time with extended family or a bunch of friends over the break, you might enlist them to recreate a scene for a movie with a large cast — they might enjoy helping you complete such an assignment too.

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