Your homework to complete before we meet again on Thursday:
- Read over this website very carefully as it constitutes the syllabus for this course. Note that the Syllabus page includes a number of subpages, covering such topics as: how to contact me; the course learning objectives; the texts you need to buy; attendance, participation, and other policies; and how you will be graded. There is also a calendar of reading and assignments; and pages describing the major and minor assignments this semester.
- Add this site to your bookmarks. Make certain that you can find your way back here, because you’ll be spending a lot of time visiting these pages over the course of this semester.
- Sign up for a free WordPress site. (If you already have hosting and a domain, talk to me about alternatives)
- Leave a comment on this post asking a question about the syllabus. Put the URL for the site you created above in the “website” line on the comment form. If you’d like to receive email notifications whenever a new post is published on this site, check the box underneath the Post Comment button to “Notify me of new posts by email”
- Reply to this survey form, which both asks some basic information I’ll need in order to manage communications with you and also asks some questions that will help me get to know you a little bit better.
- Read “Rhetorical Situations” and “Rhetorical Reading” from Everyone’s an Author. We’ll spend some time discussing it in class on Tuesday.
All of my questions have been answered during class. Looking forward to this class.
What text are you most excited to teach us this semester? I am also looking forward to this class.
I am looking forward to all of these texts, to be honest. But probably Spinning is the one that I’m most looking forward to re-reading and seeing how you react to it.
Are there any other texts strictly based on comic creation that we would be required to look into for the course?
There will be other texts, mostly ones that are available online or that will be available on electronic reserves in the library. Next week you’ll read a chapter from Understanding Comics and then not too long after that, I’ll have you read a chapter from another book by the same author, Making Comics. I’ll also scan and place on reserves a short piece by Dan Roam on drawing to understand and communicate ideas: Draw to Win.
I am really excited for this class, and very interested in all the texts. I believe all of my questions were answered on the first day of class. Can’t wait!
I have no questions from the syllabus! I loved our first class and am looking forward to the semester ahead!
After reading the syllabus and having our first class this past week, I am very excited for what this semester will bring for this class. I was curious as to when you would like us to begin having the individual conferences?
We’ll start the first conferences in a couple of weeks.
Will our homework assignments be posted under David’s posts like this was or under assignments?
The sketches and major projects will all be under the sssignments tabs. David’s posts is for any other communication from me to you. Sometimes I’ll put up questions to think about or prompts for in class exercises there. But significant assignments will all be described in the assignments tab.
i have no questions from the syllabus! I am very excited to explore all the texts!
I am very excited for this class I was wondering how you would like the homework assignments to be submitted? Will we be uploading all of our sketches and writings to our own websites? Thank you! 🙂
Almost everything will be turned in by publishing the work to your own site.
I wonder: what is one thing you’d like to see from us or the work we’ll hand in?
The syllabus seems very clear!
I am curious: is there any comic or author that we won’t be reading in class that you would recommend?
I want you to develop your own theories of writing — to explore different strategies for approaching different writing tasks and to develop confidence that your writing can be insightful and engaging for a range of audiences.
We’re not reading Alison Bechdel, but I highly recommend her work, especially Fun Home.
I am excited to delve into the assigned reading for the course and was particularly intrigued by your description of David Small’s memoir. Most of my questions were answered by the syllabus–though I am curious as to how much of each class meeting will consist of peer editing versus discussion of the assigned reading. I am definitely looking forward to this class!
It will vary a lot class to class. You’ll do some sort of writing in class almost every time we meet, though what that looks like will be different class to class.
I believe I understand the syllabus and do not have questions. I am excited to get to work in ‘The Secret Language of Comics’!
In my English class last year we read The Walking Dead comics and we learned about how to analyze comics, so my question is how analysis-heavy will this class be, or is it more creativity based?
Cool that you’ve done some analysis of comics before! I’ll be interested to hear from you how the sorts of analysis we do in this class are similar to and different from how you’ve talked about comics in the past. There will be some assignments that are particularly analysis heavy and others that will be creative — but hopefully for most of the assignments in this class you’ll be both creative and analytical at the same time.
The syllabus is really clear and most questions I had were answered during class, but I am curious as to how drawing-heavy the assignments will be. Anyways, I’m really looking forward to what this class has in store!
There is a visual component to all the assignments, but only a few specifically requiring you to draw a lot.
I have no questions about the syllabus, though I am curious to know which assignment students generally enjoyed the most.
I’m curious too! I assigned a similar literacy narrative assignment last spring and it seemed to be interesting for most of the class.
I have no questions about the syllabus, but I am very excited about the class! Sorry for the late submission, this is all really new to me.
You’re not late! These things that seem complicated and confusing to you right now will all seem simple and easy by December.